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Now showing items 3780-3799 of 4715
safa Anwar
(Faculty of Pharmacy, 2019-06-29) -
(Faculty of Pharmacy, 2020-10-08) -
Safety and efficacy of chloral hydrate for conscious sedation of infants in the pediatric cardiovascular intensive care unit
(faculty of Basic Medical Science - Libyan International Medical University, 2018-04-13)In this report we're discussing the use of choloral hydrate for conscious sedation of infant in the pediatric cardiovascular intensive care unit PCICU .Infants with congenital cardiac malformations often have labile ... -
(Sahar Khaled Althanie) Comprehensive case management - Full mouth rehabilitation
(Libyan International Medical University, 2020-01) -
(Sara Akhleifa) Comprehensive treatment - Full Mouth Rehabilitation case
(Libyan International Medical University, 2017-11-21) -
(faculty of applied basic medical science - Libyan international medical university, 2022-06-01)A sarcoma is a rare kind of cancer which is different from common cancer because it happens in a different kind of tissue there are more than 50 types of sarcoma -
Sarin gas history & Mechanism of action
(faculty of Basic Medical Science - Libyan International Medical University, 2018-03-19) -
SARS COV-2 Variant Classification in Relation to Ethnic Groups
(Libyan International Medical University Faculty of AMS, 2022-08-16)Viruses like SARS COV-2 generally continue to evolve because of an alteration in the genetic sequences which occured during replication of the genome. According to a lineage it is a genetically closely related group ... -
Save the Tooth Fairy Package – Regenerate Mammary Glands
(2020-03-12)It has been shown that dental epithelial stem cells (DESCs) are able to generate all epithelial cell populations within incisors during homeostasis. Nevertheless, it has not been clear whether these cells possess the ... -
(faculty of applied basic medical science - Libyan international medical university, 2022-04-24)Scabies is a contagious intensely itchy skin condition caused by a burrowing mite. The scientific name for scabies would be Sarcoptes scabiei. Another name for scabies or Sarcoptic mange. Scabies have been affecting ... -
(faculty of applied basic medical science - Libyan international medical university, 2022-09-15) -
(Faculty of Pharmacy, 2020-02-27) -
(Faculty of Pharmacy, 2020-04-22) -
(2020-08-20) -
scientific day
(faculty of applied basic medical science - Libyan international medical university, 2019) -
scientific day
(faculty of Basic Medical Science - Libyan International Medical University, 2019) -
Scientific Day - 2020
(Faculty of Information Technology, 2020-10-03)One of the most important scientific events is the "Scientific Day" event, which takes place at the end of each academic year, and presents the most important scientific activities for students and professors of the college ... -
Scientific Day - 2020
(Faculty of Information Technology, 2020-10-03)One of the most important scientific events is the "Scientific Day" event, which takes place at the end of each academic year, and presents the most important scientific activities for students and professors of the college ... -
Scientific Day - 2021
(Faculty of Information Technology, 2021-10-02)One of the most important scientific events is the "Scientific Day" event, which takes place at the end of each academic year, and presents the most important scientific activities for students and professors of the college ... -
Scientific Day - 2022
(Faculty of Information Technology, 2022-10-27)One of the most important scientific events is the "Scientific Day" event, which takes place at the end of each academic year, and presents the most important scientific activities for students and professors of the college ...