Browsing Faculty of Information Technology by Title

Now showing items 61-80 of 183

  • E-commerce & m-commerce 

    ALferjani, Laith (The Libyan International Medical University - Faculty Of Information Technology, 2021-02-07)
    Electronic commerce : is the conducting of business activities (distribution, buying, selling, marketing, and servicing of products or services) electronically over computer networks.
  • E-Courier Online Laboratory Results 

    Ferjani, Ibrahim (Libyan International Medical university "Faculty of Information Technology", 2018-02-28)
    To find a way to make it easier for patients to get their lab reports. To find a way to help physicians to reach a patient’s lab reports at the time of visit. Can allow patients to send their lab reports to doctors from ...
  • Electronic Blood Donation Portal 

    Elhejaazi, Balqees (Libyan International Medical university "Faculty of Information Technology", 2018-02-28)
    advertisements are frequently seen on social Blood Donation and Blood Transfusion Services (BTS) are crucial for saving people’s lives. Recently worldwide efforts have been undertaken to utilize social media and smartphone ...

    ATTIA JAI, AMAL (Libyan International Medical university "Faculty of Information Technology", 2017-10-20)
    Despite the bad conditions of our city Benghazi, it still teaches us how to continue and try to find new solutions by using technology which helps all citizens inside and outside the city. It is important to connect between ...
  • Electronic Information Standards to Support Obesity Prevention and Bridge Services Across Systems, 2010–2015 

    Mahmoud Sami, Sami (Libyan International Medical university "Faculty of Information Technology", 2018-02-28)
    Electronic information technology standards facilitate high-quality, uniform collection of data for improved delivery and measurement of health care services. Electronic information standards also aid information exchange ...
  • Electronic Prescription System 

    Mohamed Saad, Rabha (Libyan International Medical University, 2016-11-10)
    Health Information Technology The term "health information technology" (health IT) is a broad concept that encompasses a set of technologies to store, share, and analyze health information. Increasingly, health care ...
  • The Emergency Medical ID 

    Elwezri, Fatma (Libyan International Medical university "Faculty of Information Technology", 2018-02-28)
  • Empirical Study of Telemedicine Readiness in the Healthcare Sector in Benghazi 

    Mohammed Altoil, Anas (The Libyan International Medical University - Faculty Of Information Technology, 2021-03-09)
    ABSTRACT Healthcare providers have reasons to consider Telemedicine technologies when determining the best practices for service provision. The use of such technologies in developing countries is still limited and it ...
  • An Evaluation of Nurses Attitudes Towards New Technologie 

    A. Fadel, Maram (The Libyan International Medical University - Faculty Of Information Technology, 2021-03-09)
    Abstract Nurses are considered a large and important part of healthcare staff, their acceptance of new technologies for use in their field is hence important. The aim of the study reported in this research was to ...
  • An Evaluation of the Attitudes of Healthcare Nurses Towards New Technologies 

    Fadel, MA; Elfallah, EAO; Elghriani, A (2021)
    Nurses are considered a large and important part of healthcare staff, their acceptance of new technologies for use in their field is hence important. The aim of the study reported in this research was to evaluate nurses' ...
  • Expansion by hardware 

    Ben Omran, Fahed (Libyan International Medical university "Faculty of Information Technology", 2018-05-30)
  • Experts' Opinion on the IT Skills Training Needs Among Healthcare Workers 

    Altawaty, Jeenan; Benismail, Alaeddin; Maatuk, Abdelsalam (2021)
    Healthcare workers' training needs in IT skills vary in different contexts and countries. The aim of this study is to identify training priorities as perceived by healthcare experts (> ten-year experience) using an anonymous ...
  • Exploring Online Learning Challenges during COVID- 19 Pandemic: Perspective of Instructors 

    Elberkawi, Ebitisam; Maatuk, Abdelsalam; Eltajoury, Wala; Elharish, Salma (2021)
    The Corona pandemic has become a threat to humanity, as the spread of the coronavirus has led to the closure of many institutions as well as many economic, social, and educational activities. In order not to stop the ...
  • A Framework for Aspectual Requirements Validation: An Experimental Study 

    Maatuk, Abdelsalam; Alshareef, Sohil; Abdelaziz, Tawfig (The International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 2021-10-08)
    Requirements engineering is a discipline of software engineering that is concerned with the identification and handling of user and system requirements. Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering (AORE) extends the existing ...
  • A Framework for Improving Data Quality in Data Warehouse: A Case Study 

    Ali, Taghrid; Abdelaziz, Tawfig; Maatuk, Abdelsalam; Elakeili, Salwa (2021)
    Nowadays, the development of data warehouses shows the importance of data quality in business success. Data warehouse projects fail for many reasons, one of which is the low quality of data. High-quality data achievement ...
  • Fuzzy Logic Technique and Response Surface Methodology to Predict the Material removal rate of Abrasive Water Jet Process (AWJM) Parameters on Inconel – 188 

    Omar, Al Denali; Abdelaziz, Badi; Fathi, Alfazani (African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 2024-05-30)
    Abrasive waterjet machining (AWJM) is a non-traditional machining process that uses a high-pressure jet of water and abrasive particles to remove material from a workpiece. The AWJM process is complex and highly dynamic, ...
  • Generating UML Class Diagram using NLP Techniques and Heuristic Rules 

    Elakeili, Salwa; Abdelnabi, Esra; Maatuk, Abdelsalam; Abdelaziz, Tawfig (IEEE, 2021-01-26)
    Several tools and approaches have been proposed to generate Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. Researchers focus on automating the process of extracting valuable information from Natural Language (NL) text to generate ...
  • Guide for Medical Services in Benghazi 

    Hamad Mohammed, Aya (The Libyan International Medical University - Faculty Of Information Technology, 2021-03-07)
    It is difficult to search for places and addresses of health facilities in the city of Benghazi (specialized clinics, dental clinics, pharmacies, etc.). Besides that, the people who come from outside the city and not ...
  • Health informatics 

    Elghriani, Abdelbaset (Libyan International Medical University, 2024-02-01)
    Health informatics is one of the scientific branches that specializes in linking information technology, computer science, medical terminology, communication systems and information systems and aims to improve and develop ...

    Elghriani, Abdelbaset (Faculty of Information Technology, 2024-04-01)
    Health informatics is one of the scientific branches that specializes in linking information technology, computer science, medical terminology, communication systems and information systems and aims to improve and develop ...