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Frequency of Placenta Previa in Women with History of Previous Caesarean and Normal Vaginal Deliveries

dc.contributor.authorElfarsi, Elsafa Elsalheen
dc.descriptionThe placenta is an organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy,provides oxygen and nutrients as the baby develops and remove waste products from the baby's blood.Placenta previa is defined as placeta lying entirely or in part in the lower uterine segment.(3) Cesarean section is the surgical delivery of baby by an incision through the mother's abdomen and Uterus. This procedure is done when it is determined to be a safer method than a vaginal delivery for the mother, baby or both.(4) Advancing maternal age, multiparity, miscarriages, uterine curettage, cocaine use, smoking and previous history of placenta previa have all been attributed as risk factors for placenta previa.(5)The most common identifiable aetiological factor is previous uterine damage due to repeated pregnancies or surgical procedures. This endometrial damage predisposes to abnormal placentationen_US
dc.description.abstractPlacenta previa is know to be associated with previous caesarean deliveries, advanced maternal age ,increasing parity, smoking and myomectomy. This study was conducted to compare placenta previa incidence in women with previous Caesareans relative to those with normal vaginal deliveries. And also determine if multiple previous caesarean sections in subsequent deliveries would be Associated with a higher placenta previa level than in women with a single previous caesarean Sectionen_US
dc.publisherfaculty of Basic Medical Science - Libyan International Medical Universityen_US
dc.rightsAttribution 3.0 United States*
dc.titleFrequency of Placenta Previa in Women with History of Previous Caesarean and Normal Vaginal Deliveriesen_US

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