Agenesis of corpus callosum

ahmed, Adam (2020-03-12)

The corpus callosum is the main transverse tract of fibers that connects the two cerebral hemispheres. Callosal efferent that originate in the cerebral cortex connect to the contralateral hemisphere, integrating motor, sensory, and cognitive performances of the brain. Initial formation of the axons that constitute the corpus callosum starts anteriorly at the genu and continues through posteriorly to what eventually becomes the body, a narrowed isthmus, and a widened splenium.


A study of fifty-six cases of agenesis of corpus callosum by the British neurological surveillance unit (BNSU). (36 male), 37 were adults. Nearly two thirds had epilepsy; half of the adult cases had intellectual impairment as estimated clinically, and a third a psychiatric disorder. Nine cases (five adults) were apparently normal neurologically

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