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Asymptomatic bacteriuria and its association with gender

dc.contributor.authorElgzirey, Salsabeel
dc.description.abstractUrinary tract infection is a presence of microorganisms that cause diseases in Genito-urinary system. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is present of > 100,000 colony forming units/ml are found in aseptically collected midstream urine without any symptoms, is found in 2.7% of women aged between 15 and 24 years and increases to 50% in women above an age of 60 years. In men the prevalence of ABU is considerably lower, but increases to 20% above the age of 70 years .to do urinalysis sample preparation started, are 3 steps in the order is culture, gram staining, microscopy there are 3 stages of ABU: no growth, no significant growth, significant growth. ABU is an important type of UTI, more common in females because the length of urethra is shorter than in males is approximately 3-fold higher in adult women and also the incidence is high in patients with diabetes mellitus, characterized by presence of bacteria in urine without any symptoms, the treatment started with significant growth of bacteria is reached.en_US
dc.publisherfaculty of applied basic medical science - Libyan international medical universityen_US
dc.titleAsymptomatic bacteriuria and its association with genderen_US

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