The incidence rate of asymptomatic bacteriuria among LIMU students

Suliman, Tamim (2022-09-11)


This experiment was done to see if there was a relation between the incidence of asymptomatic bacteriuria and gender, it was done on 24 individuals 12 males and 12 females. The urine sample was taken midway through the urination process and the test was done in less than an hour a fisher’s test was done to see the significance of this relation and the p-value was less than 0.05 meaning this relation was significant. This is due to many reasons including the anatomical structure of the female urinary and reproductive system, going go through menopause also increases the risk for asymptomatic bacteriuria because the estrogen levels will decrease, further studies may be done to see its relation with age or its relation with immunity affecting diseases such as diabetes.
