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Gingival recession

dc.contributor.authorOthman, hager
dc.descriptionGingival recession is the most common and undesirable condition of the gingiva. It is characterized by displacement of gingival margin apically from cement-enamel junction (CEJ) and exposure of root surface to the oral environment(1). For a patient, gingival recession usually creates an aesthetical problem, especially when such problem affects the anterior teeth, and anxiety about tooth loss due to progressing the destruction(3). It may also be associated with dentine hypersensitivity, and/or root caries, abrasion and/or cervical wear, erosion because of exposure of the root surface . it has gingival recession is multifactorialace to the oral environment and an increase in accumulation of dental plaque (such as excessive or inadequate teeth brushing, destructive periodontal disease, tooth malposition, alveolar bone dehiscence, high muscle attachment, frenum pull and occlusal trauma.) Other causative factors that have been reported are iatrogenic factors (orthodontic, or prosthetic treatment, and etc.) and smoking. Howev0er, bacterial plaque is of equal importance in the aetiology of gingival recessionen_US
dc.description.abstractThis report shall first discuss gingival recession it terms of its definition, and aetiology, then examine an experiment conducted on the matter.en_US
dc.publisherfaculty of Basic Medical Science - Libyan International Medical Universityen_US
dc.rightsAttribution 3.0 United States*
dc.titleGingival recessionen_US

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