Browsing Presentations by Title

Now showing items 2-6 of 6

  • Health informatics 

    Elghriani, Abdelbaset (Libyan International Medical University, 2024-02-01)
    Health informatics is one of the scientific branches that specializes in linking information technology, computer science, medical terminology, communication systems and information systems and aims to improve and develop ...
  • Hypertension Tracking Work Sheet 

    Elemamy, Lamees (Libyan International Medical university, 2017-05-22)
    hypertension is: High Blood Pressure, a medical condition in which constricted arterial blood vessels increase the resistance to blood flow, causing an increase in blood pressure against vessel walls. Simply put, as a ...
  • Hypertension Tracking Work Sheet 

    Elamamy, Lamees (Libyan International Medical university "Faculty of Information Technology", 2018-11-14)
  • An outpatient electronic health record augmented with ICD-10PPT 

    Tariq Saad Eldressy, Aynur (Libyan International Medical university, 2017-08-22)
    International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems(ICD). including nuanced classifications of a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and ...

    Elfallah, Ehab (Libyan International Medical University, 2023-02-06)
    SOFTWARE ENGINEERING "An engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production