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Effects of Estrogen Therapy for Osteoporosis

dc.contributor.authorZobi, Fatma Elzhraa Ali
dc.descriptionOsteoporosis is a common problem that causes bones to become abnormally thin, weakened, and easily broken (fractured). Women are at a higher risk for osteoporosis after menopause due to lower levels of estrogen, a female hormone that helps to maintain bone mass. The major physiological effect of estrogen is to inhibit bone resorption. Bone cells have two kinds of intracellular steroid receptors for estrogen. Osteoclast apoptosis is regulated by estrogens. With estrogen deficiency, the osteoclasts live longer and are therefore able to resorb more boneen_US
dc.description.abstractOsteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones, increasing the risk of sudden and unexpected fractures. it results in an increased loss of bone mass and strength. The disease often progresses without any symptoms or pain. Generally, osteoporosis is not discovered until weakened bones cause painful fractures (bone breakage), often in the back (causing chronic back pain) or hips. There is a direct relationship between the lack of estrogen after menopause and the development of osteoporosis. After menopause, bone resorption (breakdown) overtakes the building of new bone. Early menopause (before age 45) and any long phases in which the woman has low hormone levels and no or infrequent menstrual periods can cause loss of bone mass. Hormone therapy (HT) is believed to be useful in preventing or decreasing the increased rate of bone loss that leads to osteoporosis. Hormone therapy is generally recommended for postmenopausal women who have an early menopause, a low bone mass, as measured by a bone density test and menopausal symptoms, and several other risk factors for osteoporosis, such as: a petite, thin frame; family history of osteoporosis, or a medical problem associated with osteoporosisen_US
dc.publisherfaculty of Basic Medical Science - Libyan International Medical Universityen_US
dc.rightsAttribution 3.0 United States*
dc.titleEffects of Estrogen Therapy for Osteoporosisen_US

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