Effect of Gender Differences on Prevalence and Microbial Spectrum of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria

Elhawari, Monder (2022-09-04)


The study aims to elaborate on the potential relationship between biological sex and the incidence of asymptomatic bacteruria, 24 volunteers, all being medical students of similar age, participated in the study, half male and half female, 13 of them showed some bacterial growth, 3 of whom were male and 10 female, of the 9 who did not show any bacterial growth 7 were male and 2 were female. The χ2 test was used to establish a correlation in the data, which was shown, but can be disregarded due to the small population size; too small to fit the criteria of the χ2 test. Other factors which may also contribute to the incidence of asymptomatic bacteruria were not ruled out or held constant which may also pose a lesser limitation to the scope of the study.
