Academic Departments


تقديمات حديثة

  • Telecommunication Engineering 

    Asma, Budalal (Faculty of Information Technology, 2024-4-01)
    Telecommunication Engineering at the IT faculty is keen to provide a distinguished educational environment and follow the rapid and successive developments in communication science by providing a high-quality educational ...
  • Computer Networks 

    Alfsaey, Wisam (Libyan International Medical University, 2024-04-1)
    The department of computer networks is aiming to serve as a complement part of the IT faculty that target the rapidly growing and changing technologies.

    Elfallah, Ehab (Faculty of Information Technology, 2024-04-01)
    SOFTWARE ENGINEERING "An engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production

    Elghriani, Abdelbaset (Faculty of Information Technology, 2024-04-01)
    Health informatics is one of the scientific branches that specializes in linking information technology, computer science, medical terminology, communication systems and information systems and aims to improve and develop ...