Analysis of Urine Culture Test to Identify the Effect of Gender on Asymptomatic Bacteriuria

Hilali, Tahani (2022-08-11)


: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections. Although the distribution of pathogens that cause UTIs is changing, enteric bacteria (particularly Escherichia coli) remain the most common cause of UTIs. Urine culture is the gold standard, but a urine dipstick test can aid in the early detection of UTI and thus avoid the complications of UTI. The study aims to compare the asymptomatic UTIs between males and females and most types of bacteria can cause infection. For this experiment choose randomly 24 clean-catch midstream urine samples of the college-age students. After distributing the samples to the dishes; incubating at 37ºC for about 24 hours appear bacterial growth in about 54% of the total samples. The percentage of sample growth in females is 41%, while in males 1.25%, but not considered all of them as significant growth. Using chi-square and fisher’s exact tests in statistical analysis, all data indicate that females are more susceptible to UTIs
