Distance Learning Continues for the Second Consecutive Day at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Students, PharmD (2020-03-18)

Distance learning at the Faculty of Pharmacy continues for the second day in a row, in line with the academic plan for the current year and according to the specified detailed timing. Second year students have been committed to upload their presentations for this week on Moodle, knowing that these presentations were worked on by the students who have recorded all explanations with their voices on the PowerPoint presentation. The student response rate to the weekly exam was 84.2%, and the exam is still open for another three hours. Knowing that the test results for the students are good so far. Furthermore, the correction, grading and announcement of student’s results are done electronically. Also, all practical and theoretical lessons that were recorded by the faculty members as part of the curricula of the first and second years has been uploaded to the YouTube Channel of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Hence, students can reach these lessons through the links provided to them in their Moodle account.


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