Effect Of Radiotherapy On Healthy Lungs.

Alawjli, Wijdan Alawjli (2020-03-12)

This report outlines the principles of radiobiology that can explain the time of onset, therefore, duration, and severity of the complex reactions of the lung to ionizing radiation.These reactions have been assayed biochemically, cell kinetically, physiologically, and pathologically. Therefore, Clinical and experimental data are used to describe the acute and late reactions of the lung to both external and internal radiation including pneumonitis, fibrosis and carcinogenesis. One favored hypothesis suggests that the primary response of the lung is an increase in microvascular permeability. The plasma proteins overwhelm the lymphatic and other.


This report conducted on groups in which I found that the most effective treatment is Cisplatin that is offered daily before each part of the anatomy, because adding Cisplatin increases the chances of survival and disease control.

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