Browsing Student Guide by Title

Now showing items 19-25 of 25

  • SARS COV-2 Variant Classification in Relation to Ethnic Groups 

    Masheiti, Ali (Libyan International Medical University Faculty of AMS, 2022-08-16)
    Viruses like SARS COV-2 generally continue to evolve because of an alteration in the genetic sequences which occured during replication of the genome. According to a lineage it is a genetically closely related group ...
  • Smoking Makes Treatment of Cancer Less Effective 

    Nagem, Elhaitham (Libyan International Medical University Faculty of AMS, 2022-08-16)
    Cancer is diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. There are several main ...
  • Symptoms and Causes of Bell’s Palsy 

    Alsaiti, Omar (Libyan International Medical University Faculty of AMS, 2022-08-16)
    Bell's palsy is the most frequent acute mononeuropathy, or condition affecting a single nerve, and the most prevalent diagnosis related with facial nerve weakness/paralysis. It is named after Scottish anatomist Sir ...
  • Treatment and Prevention of Postpartum Psychosis 

    Rawan, Elgerbi (Libyan International Medical University Faculty of AMS, 2022-08-16)
    The birth of a baby can trigger a jumble of powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also result in something you might not expect — depression. Most new moms experience postpartum ...
  • Treatment and Prevention of Postpartum Psychosis 

    Rawan, Elgerbi (Libyan International Medical University Faculty of AMS, 2022-07-16)
    The birth of a baby can trigger a jumble of powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also result in something you might not expect — depression. Most new moms experience postpartum ...
  • What Does COVID-19 Do to heart in children? 

    Barrani, Rawya (Libyan International Medical University Faculty of AMS, 2022-08-16)
    Since the beginning of the pandemic, coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) in children has shown milder cases and a better prognosis than adults. Although the respiratory tract is the primary target for severe acute ...
  • Why my breathing stops while I sleep 

    Elgzirey, Salsabeel (Libyan International Medical University Faculty of AMS, 2022-08-16)
    obstructive sleep apnea is a problem in which breathing pauses during sleep , This occurs because of narrowed or blocked airways in this case may result from tonsillitis, and can continue to 10 seconds or longer ...