The slide centrifuge gram stain as a urine screening method in women

kroosh, yomna (2022-09-11)


In order to screen for bacteriuria in women, a side centrifuge gram stain was done. 4161 urine specimens were submitted in urine preservative tubes for routine culture for slide centrifuges gram staining. Each urine sample was mixed well, and 0.2 ml of each sample was pipetted into a slide centrifuge chamber and spun at 2,000 rpm for 5 minutes. The slides were heat fixed, gram stained, and examined by laboratory personnel who scanned 12 oil-immersion fields in a predetermined sequence. A positive urine screen (E.coli isolated in 75% of the females under research) was defined as the presence of the same organism in six or more fields. Urine samples were cultured using a 0.001ml loop and comparison When a lower colony count of 10,000 or more CFU/ml was used as a comparison, the screen showed a sensitivity rate of 88 percent, a specificity rate of 95 percent, a negative predictive value of 99 percent, and a positive predictive value of 65 percent.
