Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among LIMU students

mohammed, Hajer (2022-09-12)


The current consider is pointed to explore the predominance of asymptomatic bacteriuria among understudies at Libyan Universal Restorative College. This study's members are 24 understudies. Male and female pee tests were gotten. A noteworthy bacterial check within the pee is portrayed as asymptomatic bacteriuria around 54.2 % of LIMU understudies .A chi-squared test is utilized in this ponder the result appears that (X2 , P=0.004) There were measurably critical distinctive in asymptomatic bacteriuria with gender. Females had a better predominance of ASBU than guys. E. coli was identified, which is the foremost predominant cause of asymptomatic bacteriuria.
