Asymptomatic bacteriuria

Almahdi, Masara (2022-09-13)


This paper will explain urinary tract infections and how they can pose a serious health risk to women around the world. The cause of this type of infection is still unknown, despite recognition of the materials and procedures used to identify the microorganism, as well as counting the colonies > 1 105 CFU/ml and determining whether it is positive or negative, as well as if it is linked to asymptomatic bacteriuria, which is a bacterial class that is divided into two distinct urine cultures in a patient who has no signs or symptoms of a urinary tract infection.1 It's crucial to keep in mind that it affects more young females than younger boys.1, and in this report, by selecting students at random, we found that 25% of male samples had no significant growth and 75% of female samples had no significant growth, while 16.67 percent of female samples had major growth, 16.67 percent no growth, and 66.67 percent no significant growth
