The Effect of Paracetamol in Pregnancy

Abdelgawad, Marwa A (2018-04-14)

Paracetamol Paracetamol (also known as acetaminophen in some countries) is used to treat pain and fever and can be bought without a prescription. It has been used by pregnant women for many years without any obvious harmful effects on the developing baby. For this reason paracetamol is usually recommended as the first choice of painkiller for pregnant women. Other painkillers, including those sold over the counter without a prescription have not been shown to be any safer than paracetamol; some are not suitable for use during certain stages of pregnancy. Although it is not possible to say that any medicine is absolutely safe to use in pregnancy, there is currently no good evidence that paracetamol will harm your baby. It is however generally recommended that women who are pregnant use the lowest dose of paracetamol that works, only for as long as needed


If you're pregnant and feel you need to take painkillers, paracetamol is usually safe to take. However, before taking any medicine when you're pregnant, you should get advice from your midwife or GP. Paracetamol during pregnancy When you're pregnant, paracetamol is the preferred choice to treat mild or moderate pain high temperature (fever). Paracetamol has been used routinely during all stages of pregnancy to reduce a high temperature and for pain relief. There is no clear evidence that it has any harmful effects on an unborn baby. However, as with any medicine taken during pregnancy, use paracetamol at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. If the recommended dose of paracetamol doesn't control your symptoms or you're in pain, get more advice from your midwife or GP

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