Brain Storming Sessions for Pharmacy Students.

Students, PharmD (2020-03-10)

Second year students at the Faculty of Pharmacy (3 groups) organized on the 9th of March 2020 a brainstorming session to analyze and discuss the scientific problems and ideas and formulate the educational objectives (under the supervision of tutors) within the requirements of the seventh educational Block. Then, students concluded the session by assessing their performance in what is known as "peer evaluation". It is noteworthy that through this method or educational system, the student has the opportunity to research and investigate the educational objectives and consult with their tutors in what is known as the “tutor availability session” in order to know the depth and accuracy of the information. It is worth noting that brainstorming sessions are held according to "Problem Based Learning" (PBL) method which is a science known as Self Learning in which the student learns and researches by themselves. The PBL system or method is characterized as an advanced educational system that makes the student face and discuss a specific problem.


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